Sunday, October 19, 2008


XV: The Devil
Season Of Mist Records

On this record, Order Of The Ebon Hand displays an affinity for delivering blasting black metal that is purely evil and apocalyptic.

This is the type of record that black metal purists can really delve into, a symphony of chaotic madness and voracious blasts of fury that shine with the light of pure, true blackness.

“To Alloces” summons unholy black winds of imperial majesty in its vehement pace, leaving those who disbelieve devastated in the ashes of a burning fire of unadulterated occult victory. Sound effects are prominent throughout the record, adding to its grim nature and creating an atmosphere of utter blackened hatred. The tremendous riffing speed in “Gateway To Silence” recalls early Immortal and Emperor’s bleakest speeding trills, but added dramatic influence sets Order Of The Ebon Hand apart in their quest to conjure the most diabolical sounds imaginable. The addition of horns and ghostly whispering during this track’s interludes further serves to create a blasphemous environment.

“The Visitors” sounds the march to war with a cacophony of violent speed as vocalist Merkaal issues tormented howls of desolation. In terms of issuing rhythms that are the epitome of abhorrence, Phlaigon, as a guitarist is successful with deadly precision. This track amplifies the artist’s tortured thoughts and beckons you toward the dark edge of the abyss as Letheissues an annihilating percussive assault.

This group fully succeeds in their mission to create strains of blackness of the highest degree throughout the record, mixing varied influences to result in strains of musical misery. “Spellbound” ventures into a dark soundscape of cosmic invocations, adding experimental elements to the group’s sound, yet never wavering from their dark mission.

The ability of Order Of The Ebon Hand to create black metal with unconventional influences, yet remain purely dark and evil belies their ability as composers, while giving the listener a deviation from the standard fare of imitators.

Undoubtedly, this is the most original sounding and utterly bleak black metal releases in recent memory, a virtual occult feast of horror and burning hell.

Written By: Shemlarak

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