Thursday, October 16, 2008

CARPATHIAN FOREST - Fuck You All!!!!(Caput Tuum In Anno Est)

Fuck You All!!!!(Caput Tuum In Anno Est)
Season Of Mist

Although Carpathian Forest has strayed to some extent from the “True” sound for which the band became veritable icons of the Black Metal anti-establishment, its latest outing, Fuck You All, is not without certain redeeming, morbidly evil qualities. While many fans of Carpathian Forest might feel betrayed by the direction taken on this record, as with every band, time gone by brings change. Forsaking all-out assaults for atmospheric wickedness, Fuck You All should, however, be rightly perceived as a progression in vision as opposed to a regression in the career of this hard working act.

Certainly, the group has not lost view of their patented sense of irony and the cacophony conjured up by Nattefrost, Tchort and their cohorts remains suitably and irrefutably bleak.

If Carpathian Forest has taken on an approach of restrained tempos, the intently impious riffing and substantially belligerent song structures found on tracks such as “The Frostbitten Woodlands Of NORWAY” take on an appropriately adversarial tone, while cuts like “Submit to SATAN!!!” belie the group’s roots in classic, Venom-style, classic Black Metal while bearing a distinctly frenzied appeal.

Certainly, Fuck You All!!!! pales in comparison to the outright savagery of recent efforts by bands such as 1349 if all you’re seeking is an overbearing bludgeoning. But it’s self-evident that Carpathian Forest is going for a unusual feel in terms of songwriting, perhaps looking back toward the old school a bit too much for those who have recently latched onto this sort of music. Even so, this is an album that’s wicked enough to incite a bit of ire in the heart of any real Black Metal fan and that’s reason enough to give this effort a closer look.

Written By: Great Old One

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