Saturday, October 18, 2008

LORD BELIAL - The Seal Of Belial

The Seal Of Belial
Candlelight Records

The style of Lord Belial has evolved, in both songwriting and sound, since records like the much more abrasive “Unholy Crusade” and the overtly violent “Angelgrinder.” Now, the band has turned toward a doomy vibe that remains evil yet has shed the extreme, death metal trappings this group is known for in favor of more foreboding sounds.

There’s a lot more of a Bathory influence on the melodic “The Seal Of Belial.” It seems a change for the better for Lord Belial. Musically, things are more fluid and nothing sounds rushed. When the band takes inspiration from the elder phase of the Bathory sound, as so many bands do, they also inject the more harmonious, latter-day Bathory sound into the vibe. But on “Mark Of The Beast,” an additional cryptic vocal element is fostered, lrevealing a vibe that's original.

“The Seal Of Belial” is a definite progression and even more so, an evolution for the band. This music is heavy, gritty and inspired by venomous visions, yet it walks along a different left hand path without imitation. Excellent production by Andy LaRoque captures the gruff beauty of this band’s scathing tone.

A particularly hellish sounding eruption, "Abysmal Hate" causes massive sonic damage with a technique that fans of Dimmu Borgir will be sympathetic to. An entirely different aura rests in "Chariot Of Fire", a slithering, mid-tempo groover. Throughout the stylistic variations, Lord Belial keeps things appropriately frostbitten and diabolical, staying true to the core of the black metal movement, but accentuating the presence with texture and an ominous yet memorable stance in ubiquity.

Lord Belial may be changing, but its underlying purpose has not. It’s quite safe to say that followers of this group will meet this offering with immense satisfaction.

Written By: Great Old One

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